ProfNet Experts FAQs

What does "cloaking a query" mean?

A: When you choose the cloaking option, ProfNet will omit the publication name from your query and just describe the publication in generic terms (e.g., national business magazine). If you are a staff writer and your email address identifies the publication, we will also withhold your name and email address from the query. The system will assign a randomly generated “anonymous” email address to which members can respond. All responses will then be forwarded by the ProfNet system to your actual email address

If you are a freelance writer, you can also choose to omit your email address and have the system create an “anonymous” email address. However, your name will be listed in the query.

Have any questions about how cloaking works? Drop us a line at with “Cloaking” in the subject line.

How do I send a query?

A: Click on ProfNet Experts tab in the navigation bar and fill out the query form.

How do I re-send a query?

To re-send a query, click on the ProfNet Experts tab and then ProfNet Inbox to see your queries. Click on the headline of the one you would like to re-send, and then on “Resend Query.” You will have the option to edit the query before re-submitting it. 

How do I turn off a query?

Go to your ProfNet inbox, select the query.  Click on the Change Status drop down and select Turn Selected Queries Off

How long does it take for a query to be sent out?

Queries are distributed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time. Provided our editors don't have any questions on your query, it can usually be distributed within an hour. You will receive a confirmation copy by email once it is distributed.

Are ProfNet members vetted?

All ProfNet members must also be members of PR Newswire, which verifies that members are legitimate businesses. In addition, all ProfNet members must sign our Terms & Conditions, which state:

1. ProfNet Opportunities (queries) are not to be used as stepping-off points for pitches that have no relevance to the request.

2. Contact with reporters submitting Opportunities is to be made only via the channels specified by the reporter in the request.

3. ProfNet Opportunities are to be treated as confidential, disclosed to others in your organization only on a need-to-know basis.

4. Opportunities are never to be posted to an electronic mailing list or shared with others on a public site.

5. ProfNet members shall in no way attempt to badger or coerce a reporter into contacting or quoting a given source.

6. E-mail addresses obtained through ProfNet are not to be used in any list for unsolicited, mass-distributed messages.

7. All Opportunities are to be viewed as exclusive to the writer or organization submitting the request.

8. ProfNet Opportunities are not to be used to advance personal interests or agendas, except in cases where reporters explicitly request responses that are personal in nature.

If one of our members sends you a response that violates our Terms & Conditions, please alert us at and we will investigate.

Can bloggers use ProfNet to find sources, products, etc.?

Yes, but we do require that blogs be active for at least six months, and we will review the blog to ensure it is appropriate for our audience.

For product requests, we require the blog comply with the FTC blogger guidelines regarding reviews and giveaways, and that there are no fees associated with the request (e.g., ProfNet members will not be asked to pay any fees or purchase advertising in exchange for having their products reviewed/featured). We also require UVPM numbers be included in the query. Whenever possible, please also include any site stats available, such as the blog's Google Rank, number of followers, page views per month, etc. Because members are understandably wary of product requests, the more information you can provide upfront, the better your response rate.

Who should I contact in ProfNet about a query I just sent out?

You can speak with our ProfNet Editorial team at 800-PROFNET (800-776-3638), ext. 1 or email us at